Above: Ron cruising Mt. Hood, Oregon, in September It looks so easy--Just put your tips together and follow the blue dot!
Site dedicated to serious
skiers and boarders who just can't get enough.
Monthly photo/journal updates for ski fun year 'round! Site
maintained byOutta
Site Managersfor Cram--holder of 5 ski
and sports records*
Click for GUESTBOOK-notes from around the world-leave yours Or here to read or post to the MESSAGE BOARD [Forum]
Sep 2005 to Jan 2013:
Still doing a lot of catching up, including pics from some of the best powder years ever AND phenomenal powder trips to Chile and Argentina. Aug '05: In the last couple decades around here (Wasatch mountains), only 1995 and 1997 had much snow remaining in August. And in those early years, I didn't run into a single person when skiing the summer months. Summers are very different now in the 21st century. Ski and snowboard tracks are visible on even the most remote snow patches well into summer. The bug has truly spread...
Sweet August Turns- 4th of July (154th month):
This was truly a month of celebration. Snowbird was rockin! I talked to management and they were blown away by the crowds this month and this year. There were so many people this month and last that the tram had to run back-to-back almost every day they were open. Typically, in the late season, the tram is scheduled to run every 20 or 30 minutes.
It was clear around Memorial Day that the schedule was out the window. There were too many people. I can only hope we're seeing a whole new level of expectation in Utah.
Skiing the 4th of July June 2005: Snowbird is breaking all kinds of ticket records, the hungry throngs can't get enough, the conditions are primo....what is a resort to do? That's right. Stay Open! And that's precisely what the Bird is doing this season. They announced they will keep going until the 4th of July, conditions permitting. They haven't said that for 10 years. I am STOKED!
Click here for June pics May '05: 152nd Month: When quality conditions continue like this it's easy to continue producing quality shots. Here's some more amazing stuff from the best powder year in a long time... Powder, powder, everywhere! April '05: Alta, Snowbird, and the backcountry...another two pages of beautiful photos from the month! Mar 2005: Finally bagged a chute that I have been eyeing for years. On one of the few days of the season that it was actually open, I had a partner with me, the conditions were right, we had a window of visibility, we had our b/c gear.....we went for it.
Pics of chute conquest, Whitepine, etc. Feb '05, 149th Month: February was by far the best month of the season to date. Rather than try to describe any of it here, I'll let the pictures tell the story. They are quite possibly the best series of photos I've ever posted on my ski site. Have a look:
Jan, 2005:Hooooboy! What an amazing month! Jackson, Snowbird, Whistler, Blackcomb...what can I say?
Pics of some highlights: Dec '04, 147th month: Things slowed down a bit in terms of snowstorms. I had but one powder day in all of December, whereas in November it seemed every time I went it was a powder day.
We also had buddies in town from all over the world for the 4th Annual Utah Ski Summit, so that was nice...
December pics Nov 2004: November....Snowbird opened on the 5th! The earliest opening ever. OK, this kinda helps them make up for closing in early May when they could have stayed open until Memorial. Kinda. Some incredible photos for the month Oct 2004, Month 145: The 13th year begins... I took advantage of the heavy snowfall in the middle of the month and skied Alta. Little did I know that the dumps would continue. As a result, Brighton had its earliest opening in more than 20 years and several other resorts geared up to open early as well.
Oct photos: Sep 2004, 144th Month: End of twelfth year: Thanks to Phil and Lisa's hospitality (Jay's sister) we had a great place to stay this trip. Ski Conditions were very good, especially compared to last September.
PAST YEARS IN REVIEW: See past logs link for pictures and comments on dozens of resorts, heli-skiing the Chugach in Alaska and exploring the famous Canadian gems Kicking Horse, Red, Fernie, Whistler, Blackcomb, Panorama, Lake Louise, Sunshine, and Norquay.
Also met Jonny and Donna while skiing one Labor Day weekend at Timberline on Mt. Hood.
(That's what I call US Olympians Johnny Moseley and Donna Weinbrecht now that I've met them--
Yeah, Jonny, Donna, and me--we're like this. )
Click here for a pic and more on meeting Donna and Jonny.
For my Ski Link
Recommendations including a site with info about any resort on earth, another with deep discount ski
gear, or Snowbird's Bra Tree; "Click Here" to jump to Page 6
Most continuous weeks alpine skiing
(and most months), most sports in a day (26 at the 1990 Die-athlon) and the only person to ever ski both the Y-Couloir and Mt. Olympus, in the month of July (two famous chutes in Utah's Wasatch mountain range).